Facemask Research

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals are required to wear masks. Opaque masks prevent individuals with hearing loss from reading speech cues in listening environments.

Dr. Thibodeau and the hearing health lab have been investigating the impact of transparent window masks. We conducted a study and found a significant benefit of transparent masks when measuring speech recognition for listeners with normal hearing and hearing loss (Thibodeau et al. 2020).

This research was submitted and accepted for publication in Ear and Hearing: The official journal for the American Auditory Society. See the article:
Communicating During COVID-19 – The Effect of Transparent Masks for Speech Recognition in Noise

View Communication Tips During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Try our Facemask study videos for yourself! (on YouTube)

Demo of facemask effects when using remote microphone system. (on YouTube)

Research Posters

Dr. Thibodeau and her Hearing Health Lab members submitted several research posters for the American Academy of Audiology 2021 Virtual Conference. Congratulations to the lab members who received nominations for the American Academy of Audiology Foundation’s James and Susan Jerger Awards for Excellence in Student Research.

Regina Tangerino de Souza Jacob

The Brazilian Phrases in Noise Test (PINT Brazil): Normative Data

Jacob, Regina Tangerino de Souza, Souza-Tamura, Camila Oliveira, Frederigue-Lopes, Natalia Barreto, Moret, Adriana Lima Mortari, Medina, Camila, and Thibodeau, Linda M

The Phrases in Noise Test (PINT) was translated, adapted, and validated to assess Brazilian children’s hearing skills in Portuguese. The PINT Brazil was administered to 50 Brazilian children, ages 4 to 11 years. The reference values should be considered according to the hard-of-hearing children’s hearing age. With the availability of the PINT Brazil Portal, audiologists will have free and universal access to the test, which will contribute to the clinical practice of Audiology in Brazil.

Kortney Bush

Verification of Remote Microphones paired to Implants by Audiologists Who are Hard-of-Hearing

Kortney Bush, BS, Megan Cantwell and Linda Thibodeau, PhD

It is critical for audiologists to perform listening checks on remote microphone systems that are paired with cochlear implants, given that electroacoustic verification protocols commonly used with hearing aids cannot be performed. Special arrangements should be considered for audiologists who are deaf or hard of hearing. The purpose of this research was to develop procedures to make listening checks more accessible for audiologists who are deaf or hard of hearing by using connections to Roger technology.

Virtual Evaluation of Speech-Recognition-in-Noise with Live Listen Feature on the iPhone

Kortney Bush, BS, and Linda Thibodeau, PhD

Due to COVID-19, remote access to audiological services is more important than ever. Speech in noise performance was assessed using a virtual paradigm, in ten listeners with typical hearing, with and without the Live Listen feature on the iPhone. Participants performed significantly better in the Live Listen condition. The virtual paradigm has provided a foundation for future research in remote access to aural rehabilitation services.

Dr. Thibodeau and the Hearing Health Members are pleased to welcome, Dr. Regina Tengerino de Souza Jacob to the lab.

Dr. Regina Tangerino de Souza Jacob is a visiting professor from the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. She teaches in the USP’s undergraduate and graduate speech pathology and audiology programs, emphasizing auditory rehabilitation and hearing assistance devices. The objective of Dr. Jacob’s time in The Hearing Health Lab will be to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct independent research in the area of current wireless technology. She also aims to develop expertise in training specialized auditory rehabilitation services that involve two unique formats designed by Dr. Thibodeau, the SIARC, and CAMP-CHAT.


Hearing Optimally at Home

As students return to school this fall, some are attending from home via online connections and some are returning to the classroom for in-person instruction. Wireless technology can be of significant benefit in either situation. Click below for a video about using wireless technology at home or for a handout regarding cleaning instructions when using equipment at school.

Watch the Hearing Optimally at Home video

Steps for Passing Transmitters (pdf)