FAQ About Library Instruction

What :

Information literacy sessions are designed to introduce the resources available at the library and to assist in the development of research strategies that will enable users to pursue their research goals or other information needs. Instruction is offered as personal one-to-one sessions, library tours or class sessions.


Any UTD student, faculty or staff with a UTD-ID may request a library tour or an information literacy instruction session.

The reference staff strongly encourages faculty participation in the information literacy instruction process.


Information literacy instruction is a means for students, faculty and staff to develop library research skills and competent information use as a part of lifelong learning.


Information literacy instruction is available at any time of the year, and may coincide with class projects.


When instruction is requested for your class, a reference librarian customizes the session to best fit your course requirements. Included in a general information literacy instruction session are an overview of the library’s services and collections, an introduction to resources including our catalog, a demonstration of periodical indexes, and printed and electronic resources appropriate to the topic and level of the class. The session also includes a discussion of library research skills and search strategies.

Advanced instruction sessions might include conducting a legislative history, researching a market for a new product, or a thorough literature review for a thesis or dissertation.


Information Literacy instruction sessions can be taught in McDermott Library’s Instruction Area during your regularly scheduled class meeting time. The reference librarians are also available to hold the session in your classroom or lecture hall. Live demonstrations of the electronic resources may be limited by the room’s network connections.


To schedule a Library Instruction session or tour

Contact Loreen Henry at 972-883-2126 or Chris Edwards at 972-883-2614 or use the online form to request instruction. You may also inquire at the Reference Desk in McDermott Library.

Page Last Updated: March 24, 2020